View events within +/-10 days of today


HOLME, Nursery, New and Young Handlers welcome, with Championship, Clough Head, Grane Road, Haslingden, Lancashire, BB4 4AT, 9am start, enter on field, championship to start at 2pm, catering.

NORTHERN, Nursery with Championship, Committee Nursery and Committee Novice Championship, Walburn Hall, Downholme, North Yorkshire, DL11 6AF, approximately five miles from Leyburn on the A6108 Leyburn/Richmond road, 9am start, enter on field, championship to start approximately 2pm, new handlers to run in main nursery trial, no new members.

COME-BYE and Away Club, Nursery, Maltese cross and Driving, Cinnamon Lane, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8BN, 10am start, enter on field.

WINDERMERE, Nursery and New Handler with Championship, Town End Hall Farm, Whitbeck, Millom, on the bigger field, 9.30am start, enter on field, championship to start approximately 1pm.

INTER-CLUB, Ryedale v Northern, Nova Lane, Middleton, same directions as Saturday’s trial, 9.30am start, entry closed.

WEST COUNTRY, Nursery, Sanduck Cross Farm, Lustleigh, TQ13 9SF, 10am start.

NORTH LANCS, Nursery and New Handler with Championship, Lee End Farm, Quernmore, Lancaster, LA2 9EE, 9am start, enter on field.

NORTH WESTMORLAND, Nursery, Novice and New Handler Trial with Nursery Championship, Hutton in the Forest, Penrith, CA11 9TH, 9am start, enter on the field by 1pm, only one dog after 12 noon, championship runners to be on field by 12.30pm for ballot, championship to start at 1pm then normal trial will resume for any dogs still to run, novice confined to Cumbria.

NORTHERN, Nursery, Committee Novice and New Handler, Moor House, Marske, Richmond, DL11 7NF, signed from Marske village, 10am start, enter on field by 2pm, only one dog after 1pm.

RYEDALE, Nursery with Championship, Nova Lane, a one track lane off A169 between Pickering and Kirkby Moorside, that goes up between the church and pub at Middleton, follow the sign that says Cottage Lea’s, trial course is on the left, 9.30am start, enter on field.

RAISE FARM, Open, Westward, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 8LY, 8.30am start, first 40 dogs to enter on field up to 1pm.


ENGLISH NURSERY FINALS, Hutton in the Forest, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9TH, 7.30am start, entry closed, catering.


YORKSHIRE, Nursery with Championship, off B6165 between Summerbridge and Ripley, 100 yards east of Birchfield Ice Cream Farm, HG3 4JS, 9am start, enter on field, catering.


INTER-CLUB, Cheshire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire, Championship, followed by Open Trial, Coombes Farm, Charlesworth, Glossop, SK13 5HN, 8.30am start, Inter-Club trial is entry closed, open trial, first 30 dogs to enter on the field, one dog per handler, possibly two if time/entries permit, catering.

MID-SHIRES, Nursery and Novice with Championship, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1LB, trial am, championship pm, no open dogs, weather check A. Tomkinson tel 07891222460.

NORTHERN, Nursery, Committee Novice and New Handler, Stainton, near Downholme, DL11 6AL, between A6108 Richmond/Leyburn road and B6270 Richmond/Reeth road, 10am start, enter on field by 2pm, only one dog after 1pm.

SOUTH EAST Winter Series, Nursery and Novice Championship, Chadhurst Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 3JH, 10am start, entry closed.

WEST COUNTRY, Nursery, Maltese cross then Driving, change of venue to Sanduck Cross Farm, Lustleigh, TQ13 9SF, 10am start.

Feb 16th and 17th WHITBECK, Opens, Am and Pm Trials, Town End Hall Farm, Whitbeck, Cumbria, pre-entry, first twenty-five dogs per trial,

R. Watson tel 07825 875 097.

TRAWDEN, Nursery with Championship, Barkerfield, Worston, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 1QB, 9am start, enter on field, one dog per handler, two if time permits.

RYEDALE, Nursery, Nova Lane, the lane that goes past the church in Middleton, Pickering, 10.30am start, enter on field by 1pm, more than one dog first before 12 noon.

EAST ANGLIA, Open, Castle Rising, PE31 6AN, 8.30am start, entry closed.

CHARITY Open, Lamaload Road, Rainow, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 5XP, 8.30am start, catering, proceeds to Macclesfield Maternity Unit, entry closed.

EAST ANGLIA, Open, Nursery and Novice, Little Blakenham, IP8 4LX, enter on field, members only, open dogs to run first up to 10.30am.

NORTH WESTMORLAND, Nursery, Novice and New Handler, Greystoke, off the Motherby Road, Penrith, 9am start, enter on field by 1pm, only one dog after 12 noon, novice confined to Cumbria.

NORTHERN, Nursery, New Handler and Committee Novice, Gingle Pot, signed from Marske village, Richmond, DL11 7EQ, 10am start, enter on field by 2pm, only one dog after 1pm.

WESSEX, Nursery and Novice, Shabden Park Farm, High Road, Chipstead, Surrey, CR5 3SF, 10am start.

WEST COUNTRY, Nursery, change of date, Borough Farm, Woolacombe, EX31 4ST, 10am start, enter on field.